Works like Magic

Bring your a-Game with the new ETERNO CARD.
We believe connecting should be easier.


One card for everything

With Eterno Cards it is possible to save your number, website, email and all your social in one place.

Delightful User Experience

It is not just a card it is an experience. It gives you the extra push you need to approach anyone. 

Eco Friendly

You will make nature happy by not producing hundreds of cards every year.   

Low Cost

One Eterno card is equal to One million conventional business cards and it comes with a fraction of the cost.

How does it work?

Both methods with show the same result.
It is just matter of convenience.

Scan the NFC

Approach the ETERNO CARD to your smartphone while the NFC functionality is active and the magic will happen. 

Scan the QR code

Scan the QR code on your ETERNO CARD. Your online business profile will appear as a notification. One click and BOOM. 

Choose yours now